Note: These .asx Embedded Streaming Video's links will not work as they are no longer hosted on a dedicated Streaming Media Server.
They are examples for illustration only. You can click on them to view an example of .asx Embedding of video in a page.

Florida Keys Anglers - Shallow Water and Back Country Fishing Charters:
[300 kbps - Broadband] [56 kbps] [28 kbps] 
[14 kbps (audio only)] 

Florida Keys Anglers - Snook Fishing:
[300 kbps - Broadband] [56 kbps] [28 kbps] 
[14 kbps (audio only)] 

Patt Griffin - Master Real Estate Agent:
[300 kbps - Broadband] [56 kbps] [28 kbps] 
[14 kbps (audio only)]